Just giving you a perspective, we can see the world in many ways..


When shuffling a deck of regular playing cards, the number of possible arrangements (52 x 51 x 50 x 49 etc.) is approximately 8×10 ^67 or an 8 followed by 67 zeros. That’s more variations than the number of stars in the observable universe.

Average times of drunk driving before being caught the first time (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
80 times of drunk driving
The global rate for people washing hands after using the toilet (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
People washing hands 19%

Although GPS is free for the world to use, it costs $2 million per day to operate. The money comes from American tax revenue.

Number of U.S.adults that cannot read above a third grade level (nces.ed.gov - Adult Literacy in the U.S.)
36 million people
Two out of five people can`t name a single freedom protected by the First Amandement (cbsnews.com)

Llamas can be used as guards against coyote attacks on sheep herds and are effective at guarding sheep 95% of the time.

The U.S., China, Saudi Arabia, India and France make up 60% of the worldwide military (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov)
Americans spend over $72 billion on their pets (www.economist.com)
$72 Billion in 2018

There are over 6,000 known species of grass.

Percentage of homeless sleeping on the streets in NY (www.coalitionforthehomeless.org)
Percentage of homeless sleeping on the streets in LA (www.coalitionforthehomeless.org)

Snakes can help predict earthquakes. They can sense a coming earthquake from 75 miles away, up to five days before it happens.

U.S.military spending in 2018 (www.militarybenefits.info)
$648,8 Billion
U.S. homeless spending in 2018 (www.whitehouse.gov)

Approximately 1,000,000 dogs in the U.S. are named as the heirs of their owners’ wills.

CACs cases involving child abuse (www.nationalchildrensalliance.org)
Sexual 65%
CACs cases involving child abuse (www.nationalchildrensalliance.org)
Physical 21%

0,3% of solar energy from the Sahara is enough to power the whole of Europe

Sample of U.S. prisons housing females in 2016-2017 (www.prisonpolicy.org)
Imprisoned females sampled 57%
Pregnancies in prison 2016-2017, sample of 57% of imprisoned females (www.prisonpolicy.org)
1396 pregnancies

U.S. children make up 3.7 % of children on the planet but they have 47 % of all toys and children’s books.

Worldwide problematic alcohol consumption (www.addictions.com)
240 Million people
Worldwide use of injection drugs (www.unodc.org)
15 Million people

Sweden has the most islands in the world, they have about a total of 267,570 of them.

Perception of corruption by institution, World 2017 (www.transparency.org)
Police 38%
Perception of corruption by institution, World 2017 (www.transparency.org)
Government officials 37%

Out of about 400 species of parrots, there is only one that can’t fly, it`s called the Kakapo parrot.

Out of 30.000 law enforcement officers who lost their certification in 2018 (www.invisible.institute/policedata)
4537 documented cases for drugs & alcohol
Out of 30.000 law enforcement officers who lost their certification in 2018 (www.invisible.institute/policedata)
3254 documented cases for assault & violence

The first spacecraft to visit Mars was Mariner 4, launched on November 28 in 1964.

Distribution of victims by bias type in 2017 (www.fbi.gov)
Race/Ethnicity/Ancestry 59.6%
Distribution of victims by bias type in 2017 (www.fbi.gov)
Religion 20.6%

The Maillard Reaction is a chemical reaction between amino acids and reducing sugars that gives browned food (grilled, roasted or toasted) its distinctive flavor.

Percentage of people that believe the government is hiding info on UFO`s in 2019 (www.nypost.com)
Most likely 54%
Percentage of people that believe the government is hiding info on UFO`s in 2019 (www.nypost.com)
Probably not 27%

Scientists claim that antimatter is the costliest material to make, it was estimated that a gram of positrons (the antiparticle of the electron) would cost $25 Billion per gram to make.

Identity theft and cybercrime losses in the U.S. 2019 (www.iii.org)
$3,5 Million
Fraud complaints U.S. online retail 2019 (www.statista.com)
1,697,934 complaints

To date, there's only one species that has been called 'biologically immortal', the jellyfish named Turritopsis dohrnii.

Strikes in Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen during Obama’s presidency (www.thebureauinvestigates.com)
563 drone strikes
Strikes in Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen during Bush’s presidency (www.thebureauinvestigates.com)
57 drone strikes

The longest English word is 189,819 letters long, it is the full name for the protein nicknamed Titin

Top fear in the U.S. in 2018 (Chapman University)
Corruption of government officials 74%
Top fear in the U.S. in 2018 (Chapman University)
Pollution of oceans, rivers and lakes 62%

The feeling of getting lost inside a mall is known as the Gruen transfer.

Primary energy consumption by world region in TWh. (www.ourworldindata.org)
+/- 71.000 terrawatt-hours - Asia Pacific
Primary energy consumption by world region in TWh. (www.ourworldindata.org)
+/- 23.000 terrawatt-hours - Europe

According to UN data the population in Russia (17,098,246 km2) in 2020 is estimated at 145,934,462 people while the population in Bangladesh (148,460 km2) is estimated at 164,689,383 people.

Fatal crashes involving distracted drivers in 2018 (insurance information institute)
36.560 fatalities
Percentage of cellphone use in fatal crashes in 2018 (insurance information institute)
Cellphone use 14%

A subcontractor used by Starbucks, Signature Packaging Solutions, used inmates to package coffee for the company.

Estimated amount of social media earnings from advertising in 2015 (www.brandwatch.com)
$8,3 Billion
Amount of social media earnings from advertising in 2019 (www.brandwatch.com)
$90 Billion

Despite their flesh eating reputation, a piranha species named Tometes camunani lives solely off of riverweeds. So, they are vegetarians.

Average population in more developed countries in 2018
239 people per Km2
Average population in less developed countries in 2018
704 people per Km2

Our solar system is in orbit around the center of the Milky Way galaxy.

U.S.suicide rates for girls age 15-19 in 2003 (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
20 deaths per 1.000.000 girls
U.S.suicide rates for girls age 15-19 in 2018 (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
58 deaths per 1.000.000 girls

Most of the food in the U.S. is genetically modified, about 70% of all foods in grocery stores have ingredients that are engineered.

Percentage of people unplugging from the internet in the U.S. (www.wallstreetjournal.com)
Never unplug 43%
Percentage of people unplugging from the internet in the U.S. (www.wallstreetjournal.com)
A few time a year 17%

Water can dissolve more substances than any other liquid, including sulfuric acid.

Percentage of women who have experienced physical or sexual abuse resulting in injuries (www.who.int)
Injuries through physical or sexual abuse 42%
Percentage of all murders of woman globally being committed by their intimate partner (www.who.int)
Murdered by the intimate partner 38%

It takes about 11.621 liters of water to produce 453 grams of chocolate.

Number of hungry people in the world in 2018 (www.who.int)
821,6 Million people
Number of adults in the world that are obese in 2018 (www.who.int)
672 Million people

Artificial food coloring has been foung to increase symptoms of ADHD, they are found in many foods but especially those marketed to children.

Number of millionaires in the world in 2020 (Credit Suisse)
46,8 Million millionaires in the world
Number and percentage of millionaires in the U.S. in 2020 (Credit Suisse)
18,6 Million millionaires in the U.S. 40%

Copper door knobs are self-disinfecting.

Percentage of what happiness depends on (The How of Happiness by Sonja Lyubomirsky)
Internal state of mind 40%
Percentage of what happiness depends on (The How of Happiness by Sonja Lyubomirsky)
Circumstances 10%

The notebooks of Marie Curie (7 November 1867 – 4 July 1934) are still radioactive.

Worst offenders for air travel emissions in 2018 (www.statista.com)
U.S. 24.4%
Worst offenders for air travel emissions in 2018 (www.statista.com)
China 12.7%

The Great Pyramid of Cholula, located in Cholula, Puebla, Mexico, is the largest pyramid in the world.

Approximate incarceration rate per 100.000 people in the Netherlands. (businessinsider.com)
69 people
Approximate incarceration rate per 100.000 people in the U.S. (businessinsider.com)
716 people

The number of ATM bombings in the Netherlands continues to increase despite the low success rate.

Percentage of Americans with a social media profile in 2008 (www.empexdigital.com)
2008 10%
Percentage of Americans with a social media profile in 2020 (www.empexdigital.com)
2020 79%

Activist Stetson Kennedy (October 5, 1916 – August 27, 2011) had infiltrated the Ku Klux Klan but couldn't get local authorities to use the information to have them prosecuted.

Tokyo Metropolitan police - Lost and found statistics 2011 (www.globalsherpa.org)
Wallets - 255,844 lost and 194,139 turned in 75.9%
Tokyo Metropolitan police - Lost and found statistics 2011 (www.globalsherpa.org)
Mobile phones - 100,247 lost and 95,000 turned in 94.8%

According to researchers, the apex predator with the highest kill rate is the African wild dog, they are noted for having a kill rate of 85% while lions have a kill rate of 18%.

Young adults and mental illness in 2019 (www.nimh.nih.gov)
Age 18 to 25 25.8%
Adults and mental illness in 2019 (www.nimh.nih.gov)
Age 50 and up 13.8%

Water bottle expiration dates are for the bottle, not the water.

Percentage of forests covering the world (nationalgeographic.com)
Forests on the world`s land area 30%
Percentage of the Amazonian rainforest that has been destroyed (nationalgeographic.com)
Destroyed over 50 years 17%

The world's most successful pirate, the 19th-century Chinese pirate Ching Shih, was a woman.

Drug overdose deaths, any opioid in 2008 (www.drugabuse.gov)
Approximately 18,000
Drug overdose deaths, any opioid in 2018 (www.drugabuse.gov)
Approximately 46,000

Indians spend 10+ hours a week reading, more than any other country in the world.

Percentage of rejected resumes (whattobecome.com)
Unprofessional email addresses 76%
Percentage of lies on resumes (Percentage of rejected resumes (whattobecome.com)
People lying on their resume 85%

The cracking sound your joints make is the sound of gases being released.

Marketshare of all abortions in the U.S. by Planned Parenthood in 2015 (lozierinstitute.org)
Marketshare of reversible contraceptive services by Planned Parenthood in the U.S. in 2015 (lozierinstitute.org)

Disney`s film `Song of the South` was so racist and controversial that it was never released on home video.

Findings of the Ferguson Police Dept. in 2015 (www.justice.gov)
Use of force on blacks 88%
Findings of the Ferguson Police Dept. in 2015 (www.justice.gov)
Other races 12%

74% of all people jailed in U.S. prisons in 2020 are not convicted of any crime

Wealthiest 10% of the Dutch population`s control of the country`s wealth (www.borgenproject.org)
Poorest 10% of the Dutch populations control of the country’s wealth (www.borgenproject.org)
Web Designer 2.3%

Mc Donalds is a company that uses prison labor to cut costs and maximize profits

Percentage of Earth’s population with internet access (www.techjury.net)
Percentage of Big Data produced by the worlds population in the past two years (www.techjury.net)

The first home security system was invented by a black nurse, Marie Van Brittan Brown

Annual income per payphone (Perpetual Prison Machine, Joe Dyer)
Regular payphone, $3,000,-
Annual income per payphone (Perpetual Prison Machine, Joe Dyer)
Prison payphone, $15,000,-

About 40% of transgender adults reported having made a suicide attempt, 92% of these individuals reported having attempted suicide before the age of 25

Percentage of kids not telling parents about online sexual solicitation (www.resources.uknowkids.com)
Percentage of kids between ages 10-13 being approached by a child predator (www.resources.uknowkids.com)

..vaccins are correctly stored at a temperature between 2°C en 8°C, why is the Covid-19 vaccin stored at a temperature of -75°C and -85°C?

Percentage of Earth`s remaining wildernis in 1937 (www.thetab.com)
Percentage of Earth`s remaining wildernis in 2020 (www.thetab.com)

History is written by the winners and therefore hugely distorted.

Minimum average income for a U.S.prisoner per dayin 2017 = $0.33 (prisonpolicy.org)
Maximum average income for a U.S.prisoner per day in 2017 = $1.41 (prisonpolicy.org)

In 1948, the UN recognized free speech as a human right in the International Declaration of Human Rights.

Percentage of people opposing Transgender pronoun laws in 2017 (CATO Institute)
Oppose 62%
Percentage of people in favor of Transgender pronoun laws in 2017 (CATO Institute)
In favor 37%

There’s very little evidence the TSA has ever stopped a terrorist or found a real bomb. When tested, they failed to find fake weapons and bombs 95% of the time.

Projected GDP in 2009 under Obama, $21.2 Trillion (manhattan-institute.org)
Realised $19,6 Trillion
Projected GDP in 2020 under Trump, $21,6 (manhattan-institute.org)
Realised $20,9 Trillion

The word robot comes from the Czech “robota”. This translates into forced labor, or work.

Percentage of worldwide human trafficing victims (UN Office on drugs and crime)
Men and boys 29%
Percentage of worldwide human trafficing victims (UN Office on drugs and crime)
Women and girls 71%

Per capita, the happiest countries in the world also rank highest in terms of consumers of anti-depressants.

Value of Twitter shares before Trump ban in January of 2021 (nypost.com)
Value of Twitter shares after Trump ban in January of 2021 (nypost.com)

Big Tech (companies such as Facebook, Twitter and Google) violate your right to freedom of speech, they suppress the voice of the people

Number of U.S. soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan per january 2021 (military.com)
My Number of U.S. soldiers for inauguration day 2021 (defence.gov)

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (also referred to as PFASs) are fluorine-based chemicals in fast-food food packaging associated with cancer, fertility issues, low birth weight, and a weakened immune system

Percentage of fluorine in fastfood packaging (Envirionmenal Science & Technology Letters)
Burger wrappers 38%
Percentage of fluorine in fastfood packaging (Envirionmenal Science & Technology Letters)
Dessert wrappers 56%

Females have two X chromosomes in their cells, males have both X and Y chromosomes in their cells

Median increase U.S. households - first three years under Trump (justthenews.com)
Median increase U.S. households - eight years under Obama (justthenews.com)

An estimated 50% of all gold ever mined on Earth came from a single plateau in South Africa: Witwatersrand

Blacks ages 25 and up completing high school in 1993 (nces.ed.gov)
Blacks ages 25 and up completing high school in 2017 (nces.ed.gov)

65% of autistic kids are left-handed, and only 10% of people in general are left-handed

Black median income in 2018 (brookings.edu)
White median income in 2018 (census.gov)

Sudan has more pyramids than any country with 255, they outnumber Egyptian pyramids by twice the amount

Weapons investments made bij ING in 2018 (eerlijkegeldwijzer.nl)
€510 Million
Weapons investments made bij ABN Amro in 2018 (eerlijkegeldwijzer.nl)
€102,2 Million

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